From across the water, a breeze licks my sweating brow, stirs the rags of the patched sail, and rouses the crew from their improbable slumbers. With the grace of acrobats, the crew prepare the boat for the rising wind. The sail ripples, fills and drags…
”Δεν είναι από περηφάνεια ούτε από ακροβατική διάθεση που αναζητάμε τα βουνά. Τα άγνωστα βουνά μας μαθαίνουν να βρίσκουμε τον δρόμο μας, να μετράμε τη φύση των εμποδίων και το μέτρο της δικής μας αντίστασης.”
Ένα μόνο χωριό. Πολλές μικρές, πανέμορφες παραλίες και άλλα τόσα μονοπάτια που σε πιάνουν από το χέρι για να σε ξεναγήσουν σε ομορφιές απάτητες και ονειρικές. Το οδικό δίκτυο σχεδόν ανύπαρκτο. Ο τόπος σε παίρνει από το χέρι και σε καλεί να τον ανακαλύψεις
Inspired by the story of Notis who lost his leg after a car accident, I created a series of photos by following him for a day in the swimming pool during his fitness program. Notis is a member of the Greek national wheelchair basketball team. This series…
Inspired by the story of Notis who lost his leg after a car accident, I created a series of photos by following him for a day in the swimming pool during his fitness program. Notis is a member of the Greek national wheelchair basketball team. This series of photos was created as a trigger for a greater visibility for the Paralympic athletes as they give number of other “fights” with much greater authenticity in a more challenging and greater substance in the world of sports. Under difficult circumstances, athletes often make more effort than some Olympics practitioners, although Paralympic races do not enjoy the same visibility as the Olympic Games, therefore I believe that Paralympics athletes deserve more view.
«Ο κόσμος της Τέχνης μας έχει δείξει πως δεν υπάρχει ασυμβίβαστο ανάμεσα στις ιδιότητες «αμαρτωλός» και «ασκητής». Ένας χορευτής και ένας αφηγητής έχοντας ως αφετηρία αυτήν τη σκέψη διαβάζουν σαν να είναι ένα κείμενο, τα τρία ερωτικά διηγήματα του Αλέ…
Eternity in common parlance is an infinitely long period of time. In classical philosophy, however, eternity is defined as what exists outside time while sempiternity is the concept that corresponds to the colloquial definition of eternity.
In Aristotle’s Metaphysics, eternity is the unmoved mover (God), understood as the gradient of total synergy (“produces motion by being loved”). Boethius defined eternity as “simultaneously full and perfect possession of interminable life”.